A CVHS All Years Reunion Committee was formed to establish a picnic every two years for all classes that have reached their 50 year anniversary. The first picnic occurred at Rohr Park in 2008 (our 56th anniversary). This 2010 all class picnic at Swiss Park was our 58th annivsary - here are some pictures.
Front row:
Renee Bersagel Poore and Sue Davis Jacobs (bowing)
Middle row:
Charolette Laird Scherer, Gwen Day McCaughey, Mary Austin Hydrick, Darleen Quick Boyle,
Kitty Kemp Corley, Paul Nichols
Top row:
Don Wickham, John Jensen, Bob Milke, Carl Palmer, John Davies and Donna McAlmond Melbourne (peeking)
Barbara Slater Browning and husband Joe
Bob Milke, John Jensen, John Davies
Darleen Quick Boyle and husband Keith
Mary Austin Hydrick, Kitty Kemp Corley, Darlene Quick Boyle and Charolette Laird Scherer (standing)
John Jensen, Don Wickham, Carl Palmer, John Davies, Paul Nichols, Art Melbourne, Donna McAlmond Melbourne